"Awareness Raise It?"
A platform comprised of various networks and genres of Author's, Publisher's and Business Owners, whose passions have driven them to be active in their communities. Their impact and interactions are highlighted through global community "Awareness Raise It" Campaigns.
"Reaching communities across the globe", is Plays For A Purpose mantra and works better when we work together.
We love to acknowledge community leaders of varoius levels and backgrounds.
Submit two clutter free headshots and bio here for consideration.
Thank you,

A few words from Susie Newton, Founder of Plays For A Purpose.
1. My purpose for raising awareness is to showcase innovative aspiring business owners and individuals with creative ambition.
2. My efforts will provoke thought, improve change as everyone knows, change must also be willing to yield itself in areas where growth is needed. Especially during transition.
3. I have been raising this awareness since 2010. Increasing diversity through networking and supporting small businesses.
4. I have begun by scouting out purposeful Saved & Sexy Radio Host whose stories along with their love for word play, is heard through their voice, guest and sponsors.
1. My purpose for raising awareness is for all the victims, the sick and want to be healed, and the lost people who want to be found. I want my voice to be among the voices that are changing lives and making a difference in every community.
2. My efforts will make people want change and do something about it. My efforts will educate young adults to make them aware of the broken educational system. My community will become stronger by being better educated.
3. I will begin by spreading awareness through social media, and my platform as an Author. I will dedicate my time and energy to my hurting community from poverty stricken young adults to health crisis individuals and beyond.
4. Yes, I have begun by providing young adults and parents with my book that have the necessary tools to become successful in the real world. I work with foundations and organizations that empower and mentor individuals based on their situation.

Tramaine Green, Founder & Editor of Queen Lit Publications "Where we treat your words like royalty."
1. My purpose for raising awareness is for helping others that have been victims of rape. Possibly mentoring or doing speaking engagements. So, many rape are not reported and many victims blame themselves.
2. I believe this will be beneficial because rape survivors will be able to see that someone from a leadership role can identify with their pain. It's an outlet to finally speak up. For those who haven't been raped, perhaps I can help them to identify certain situations they should avoid. Maybe taking self-defense classes.
3. I'm not sure. Maybe starting a mentoring program for survivors first. Not sure what I would call it.
1. I raise awareness not only for the prevention of child sexual abuse, it is my prayer that adult survivors not only recognize the choices they made from the pain of abuse, but seek the help they need to move from victim to survivor.
2. Because I am transparent, non judgmental and empathetic, the crying community benefits when they realize they are not alone and will not be condemned for the abuse and subsequent choices that were made because of it.
3 & 4. In 2011, I started by serving on the speaker's bureau for RAINN. In 2016, I published my memoir, From Ivy League To Stripper Life.

Fred Beaty, Author of A Broken Circle
1. My purpose is to raise awareness for domestic abuse/violence, veterans issues (such as PTSD, domestic abuse, homelessness), and social issues (police brutality/accountability), and also bring about political awareness. To help bring an awareness in human rights issues.
2. My efforts will help a crying community by raising awareness of the issues and offer an arena in which to engage those issues.
3. I have began by actively engaging and brainstorming ideas with community leaders. We have began executing some of the plan of actions on a literary scale. More ways of how we are implementing which will benefit our community will be circulating soon.
4. I have begun by writing opinion pieces for various magazines, as well posting on social media. My next step is to host speaking engagements.
1. The cause that I definitely want to raise awareness on is women's self-esteem. The reason that I want to raise awareness is because self-esteem is something that is overlooked by a lot of people because it takes the backseat to so many other issues in our community. I definitely feel like I want to have a bigger voice because women that have self-esteem issues and don't practice self-love is more prone to self-destruct. I wish that there was a way I could speak to every woman in the world at one time. Empowering women to embrace their beauty without waiting for someone else to validate them.
2. I think that my efforts will help more teenagers and women find the self-respect they deserve. I also believe that by sharing some of my experiences that I have been through a lot of women will find that having a low self-esteem starts from within.
3. I have begun supporting my cause by writing fiction stories about women with self-esteem issues and the struggle they go through. I have also began using my words and my voice in interviews to spread the message to women of all communities.

1. I want to raise awareness about RAPE in the African-American community because after all these years, it is still a taboo to us.
2. I hope that it will help those who have experienced this or knows someone who has get through the healing process with as much ease as possible. I also want people to know that it is okay to speak up and tell someone what is going on. Too often our young girls and women are so afraid that they don't say anything and continue to accept the abuse but I want them to know that this horrid act is not okay and the perpetrator should and needs to be punished for stripping a person of their pride, innocence, and will to live.
3. I am currently working on a book that talks about molestation (eventually leading to rape) from a young girls perspective and how it affected her through her teen and well into her adult years.
4. Yes, I have. I have begun by speaking about my own experience and the changes I went through afterwards. I am no longer afraid to talk about my rape and with this, I am showing that you can still stand tall and be strong instead of being a life long victim.
Jessica Scagline, Owner of Literary Addicts Anonymous Magazine and Author of The Howling Chronicles
1. When I was little my dad taught me to be quiet and listen and watch other people and how they treat each other in order to figure out the kind of person I wanted to be. It was a lesson I never forgot and I spent my whole life following those instructions. What I found was that people who read fiction are more likely to be strong, confident and kind. With the majority of the world being in the state that it is, I truly believe that the answer to a better world lies in fiction. My main purpose for raising awareness, like so many others is to just to make the world a better place.
2. In the near future, LAAM hopes to release a non profit magazine just for children which will be donated all across the world. Our hope is that access to fiction will help children grow up with more confidence in themselves to be the strong leaders they want to be. No child should feel that being a good person is out of their reach.
3. The first step is spread the word and get attention for the company. With attention comes connections and with that comes support. With the right support, anyone can make their world better!
4. Absolutely! We have started by producing a magazine to bring more attention to fiction. The more people get into fiction, the more they are likely to share it, which creates great reading habbits, and those habits create opportunities to learn how to better yourself, your life, and the world around you. Ones step at a time is all it takes!